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What Does a Human want?

What does a human want? This question has puzzled many philosophers and thinkers of times. When a newborn baby is born, he cries when he is hungry and he also cries when he is irritated. As the baby progress and get to explore life as he ages, he starts to have...

What do you believe in?

  First of all, let us define what is meant by belief. Belief is meant by a repeated pattern of thinking which is generated by observation and experience of this universe. Beliefs are formed and structured in our minds since our childhood. There are many cases...

The inner secret mechanics of desire

“Desire” is a word that has spell-bounded many human beings since the birth of time. Desire means that we lack something and we want that object to feel whole or completed. Can we ever feel complete? What does it mean to be complete? What does wholeness mean? You may...

Discover the inner mechanics of Meditation

    The word ‘Meditation’ has been used widely since time immemorial. When we hear this word, we conjure up in our mind that there is a half-naked yogi sitting under a tree with his eyes closed. Yes, that is the thought that builds up in our minds. Even many...

Mystery of the Mind!

We often say to some people when they don’t behave according to our command, “Are you out of your mind?”. Now, what does mind mean? Many ancient sages and spiritual seers tried to explain it in their words but still, the mechanics of mind will always remain elusive. I...

Is Death a hoax?

I am no authority to speak on death as I am still alive and writing this blog on death. Ok, Jokes apart, Death is an inevitable phenomenon in our life that is taboo to speak on and I would like to share my thoughts and near-death experiences on it. Death and Life may...

Diving into Spirituality

From long ago or we can say from the beginning where even gods didn’t create this universe, there was something older than god. Yes, it is known as tao in tao philosophy. In Hindu culture, we call it ‘Brahman’. Tao is considered older than god. Don’t get mixed up in...